Call to Chivalry Camp : Cristero Martyrs of Mexico

Quand :
Saturday, June 29 – Sunday, July 7, 2019Où :
Villa N-D de la Clairière - Creutzwald |
Dear Parents,
We are pleased to announce the Call to Chivalry Camp at the Seat of Notre-Dame de la Clairière in Creutzwald, France this summer from 29th June – 7th July.
Your son is cordially invited to come.
The historic theme of the camp will be about the Cristero Martyrs of Mexico. Talks will focus on great souls such as Saint Jose Sanchez del Rio, the 14-year-old boy who was martyred while proclaiming his fidelity to Christ the King, “¡Viva Cristo Rey!”
Other exciting presentations will cover the Code of Chivalry, how Medieval cathedrals were built, the history of Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego, the saga of Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes and much more.
The camp is designed to invigorate mind, body, and spirit. Favorite games will include shield ball, “prison break,” French football, and a treasure hunt. In addition to campfire stories, theatrical skits, and “Chinese” shadows, there will be a formal Medieval Banquet.
The spirit of Catholic camaraderie forged during these camps is long-lasting, and parents highly appreciate it.
The Chivalry camp aims to instill self-discipline, reinforce parental authority, educate youth on the perennial truths of the Catholic Church, and urge young men to be positive elements in bringing the Reign of Christ and His Blessed Mother to society. To achieve these noble goals, we strive to maintain the highest standard of conduct and virtue.
To register, please fill out the form available at this link. The registration fee is 250 Euros or 200 if two or more are from the same family.
Let us entrust this camp to the protection of Our Lady of Guadalupe that she may gather a new generation of young men to serve Holy Mother Church with real Faith and courage, ready to shine as true, pure, and bold soldiers of Christ.